Spark Ignitor

The combi boiler uses a spark ignitor to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the burner assembly, making it a critical component. A high voltage electrical spark ignites the fuel and starts the combustion process. The control system of the combi boiler typically connects the spark ignitor near the burner assembly.

The spark ignitor ignites the fuel-air mixture in the burner assembly when the hot water tap is opened.  Also when the central heating system requires heat in a combi boiler system. The spark ignitor ignites the fuel after it is mixed with air in the burner assembly. Once you start the combustion process, it sustains the flame by itself.

The spark ignitor generates a high voltage electrical spark between two electrodes located close together. A high voltage transformer, connected to the control system of the combi boiler, typically supplies the voltage required to generate the spark. That spark is in the range of several thousand volts.

It generates the spark when the control system detects the need for heat or hot water. The two electrodes jump the spark and ignite the fuel-air mixture in the burner assembly.

The combi boiler system relies on the spark ignitor to ignite the fuel reliably and efficiently. It making this spare is an essential component. Combi boilers typically use it, but other types of combustion systems and oil-fired boilers can also use it.

The spark ignitor critically operates the combi boiler by providing initial ignition of the fuel and starting the combustion process. Ensuring reliable ignition improves the efficiency and reliability of the combi boiler system. Also reduces energy costs, and improves the comfort and safety of the living environment.

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