Diverter Valve

The diverter valve directs hot water flow between the central heating system and the domestic hot water supply. It making this spare is an essential component of a boiler system. A typical boiler system generates hot water in a heat exchanger and then directs it either to radiators or to domestic use.

The diverter valve switches and controls the direction of the hot water to either of these two circuits. A mechanical valve, which can be opened or closed depending on the demand for central heating or hot water supply. This is usually located near the heat exchanger.

The diverter valve directs hot water to the radiators when the central heating system is on. It switches to direct hot water to the taps and showers when domestic use requires it.

Electronic control modernises diverter valves and improves their precision and reliability when switching between the two circuits. Designers ensure that they deliver hot water efficiently and on-demand, providing homes and buildings. Also with a reliable and comfortable heating and hot water supply.

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